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Lizelle Borthwick Founder of Zel Hair & Make-up

My name is Lizelle Borthwick and I am lucky to be a wifey and a mommy to 2 beautiful kiddies.

I am also very fortunate to be married to my handsome husband and

we are all happily nestled in Helderberg.


I am a bit of a coffee addict, so love meeting with my clients as this gives me a reason to have a cup.

I am chatter box, and at times the blonde is super obvious.

I am so blessed that I can be a part of so many people’s special days and walk away with a warm heart when I see the happiness they have.


I grew up a farm girl and did not at first think that this would be the industry

that fueled me until I got the opportunity to make my friends pretty when we were young

and that just sparked something within me,

this love just carried on growing and I decided in 2006 to study for my

Diploma in Professional Make-up Artistry.


As life has it, I first had to learn to work hard and my background in retail, sales and management has well prepped me for what I dream to be!


Styling hair has always been fun for me and if you gave me a picture I would not be far from it,

so in 2015 I did a course in Hair styling and this is now added to my services.


My love does not stop here! I so enjoy teaching others how to do it themselves as this is something so many out there would just love to be able to do.


My focus is to take the beauty you each hold within and simply accentuate it on

the outside so it is there for everyone to see!


Live life with LOVE, COMPASSION, FUN AND LAUGHTER and all you will do every day is SMILE!


Too much love


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